06/17/2024 – SeeStar EAA – Ring, Crescent, Veil

Of course if we are going to have a nice clear night it has to have a very bright Moon. Waxing Full Moon about 86% full. Clear skies, maybe a few thin clouds with the temperature in the upper 70s with a nice light breeze. I set up the SeeStar S50 just before dark. Installed the latest firmware and leveled the SeeStar. A short but fun EAA session with the Moon, the Ring Nebula, the Crescent Nebula, and the Veil Nebula.

Before it was dark I tested the new firmware by targeting the Moon. The SeeStar had the Moon in the FOV in just a few minutes.
Moon - SeeStar - 06/17/2024
Ran the auto focus on the Moon and took the snapshot seen above. All is working as expected.

The images from this EAA session were captured using the SeeStar S50 set up on a CG5 tripod. Live stack integrations are from 10-30 minutes with no post processing or enhancements performed on the captured images outside of contrast, brightness, and saturation adjustments in the live stack. The images were saved just as they were observed on iPad screen in the SeeStar app. Images were cropped for size/area of interest.

Messier 57 (M57), the Ring Nebula, is a planetary nebula in the constellation of Lyra. SeeStar live stack of 60 x 10 second exposures with the internal duo-band filter.
Messier 57, the Ring Nebula, SeeStar live stack of 60 x 10 seconds. 06/17/2024

NGC 6888, the Crescent Nebula, an emission nebula in the constellation of Cygnus. SeeStar live stack of 120 x 10 second exposures with the internal duo-band filter.
MGC 6888, the Crescent Nebula, SeeStar 60 x 10 seocnds 06/17/2024

NGC 6960, part of the Veil Nebula, is a cloud of heated ionized gas and dust in the constellation of Cygnus. SeeStar live stack of 156 x 10 second exposures with the internal duo-band filter.
NGC 6960, The Veil Nebula, SeeStar 156 x 10 seconds 06/17/2024

It’s a school night so I packed it in at around 11 PM. Tonight is suppose to be clear and Wednesday is a holiday so I should be able to spend a bit more time out looking around. Clear skies…

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